My knitted Christmas pattern is in Knit Now Magazine's Yarnsmith Christmas supplement (Sept 23). I created a garland with fun characters and other Christmas symbols that you can look forward to meeting again each year and even personalise to resemble your own family. It is an easy knit that uses simple stitches and a little embroidery to give the figures some extra detail. If you love knitting toe-up socks like I do, this is going to be a real treat for you.
I felt so organised working on a Christmas project back in the Spring although I'm sure my neighbours were puzzled at seeing me put Christmas ornaments on our garden fence to take a few photos! I was so excited at seeing how they looked in print too.

It's not always easy to come up with winter designs on a warm spring or summer day so when I was trying to come up with the design, I found some of last year's Christmas cards I'd saved for my children to use for crafts this Christmas. I planned a bell with ribbons initially and the rest just grew up around that, inspired by the fun we have as a family decorating for Christmas each year and enjoying tasty decorated gingerbread with hot chocolate afterwards. Embroidering the characters' icing was such fun and I did wonder if I could have added more embellishments to them. What do you think? Let me know in the comments if you'd have added beads to the tree as baubles; a few jingly bells on Rudolph's antlers or perhaps you have another idea.
Pattern: Deck the Halls Garland Published in: Knit Now magazine's Christmas Supplement available with issue 159 Yarn: Yarnsmiths Create DK

Knit Now Issue 159 is on sale in shops across the UK from Thursday 7th September 2023.
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Do let me know if you make the garland. I'm always so excited when I see that someone has used one of my patterns!